egg painting & shells painting

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018
Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014
lukisan Dewi saraswati
Science is one element to improve human life tarap. How
important it is for the human sciences so that in the teaching of
Hinduism is enshrined in the symbolic form of Goddess Saraswati. Saraswati is a sacred name to mention the figure of the Goddess of Sciences. Saraswati word comes from "saras" and "wati". Saras has the meanings springs, continuous or something that is constantly flowing. While the word has a meaning nun. Thus Saraswati means something has or has continuous flow properties of the water of life and science. Goddess Saraswati is depicted as a beautiful woman with four. Subject beautiful figure to illustrate the Goddess Saraswati, actually means containing symbolic meaning. That
described what it would have been pretty interesting, as Goddess
Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, then of course it would make
mankind are interested in studying science itself. The interest here is clearly not physically biological, but rather should be seen ethical-religious. That studying science is actually one of our devotion to the form of Goddess Saraswati. Of course science is useful for self, family, community, nation and state. Science
is a priceless treasure, because as long as people are alive, its
science will not be discharged or reduced instead will continue to grow
according to its ability to absorb knowledge. As with the worldly possessions that could be discharged at any time, if you do not use it carefully. Science is a major weapon in improving the life of this world. People can achieve a respectable position, authority, glory that has a high science.
In the Tri Murti according to the teachings of the Hindu religion, Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati is his magic / powers Sang Hyang Brahma. He realized as a beautiful woman with four complete with a variety of attributes, among others: wina / musical instruments, lotus, genitri, cakepan / book. Besides, there are also peacocks and geese. Of all the attributes that have meaning as :
School is a formal educational institution that serves as a place for educators to implement the learning process to their students. Very fitting schools are located in areas of Bali are predominantly Hindu science made monument in the form of Goddess Saraswati statue to immortalize the sacred symbol of science. It can characterize and prestige school as a place to seek knowledge. In addition to these objectives can also be useful in the learning process among them, namely:
In the Tri Murti according to the teachings of the Hindu religion, Sang Hyang Aji Saraswati is his magic / powers Sang Hyang Brahma. He realized as a beautiful woman with four complete with a variety of attributes, among others: wina / musical instruments, lotus, genitri, cakepan / book. Besides, there are also peacocks and geese. Of all the attributes that have meaning as :
- Genitri is the epitome of that science is never ending lifetime and will never run studied.
- Cakepan / book is the epitome of a science source pengetahuanWina / musical instrument is reflecting that science can affect the taste of the aesthetic / beauty of the human.
- Lotus as Stana / Linggih Hyang Widhi.
- Peacock symbolizes that science was supreme and authoritative.
- The swan is a symbol of wisdom to distinguish between the good with the bad. And also the swan is a symbol of power in the third world (tri loka) because he moved in the three elements of nature that is in the water, land and in the air.
School is a formal educational institution that serves as a place for educators to implement the learning process to their students. Very fitting schools are located in areas of Bali are predominantly Hindu science made monument in the form of Goddess Saraswati statue to immortalize the sacred symbol of science. It can characterize and prestige school as a place to seek knowledge. In addition to these objectives can also be useful in the learning process among them, namely:
- as motivation for students to learn
- Hinduism as a learning medium
- as learning objects and media in the visual arts
- as one of the elements to create beauty school yard or garden
Minggu, 05 Januari 2014
Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013
dewi saraswati
ini adalah lukisan saya yang terbaru yaitu dewi saraswati, dimana kita ketahui bahwa dewi saraswati merupaka saktinya dewa brahma, sebagai lambang dewi pengetahuan yang cantik sehingga bisa menarik kita terus berkarya ......tuk itu saya ingin terus berkaya, sehingga bisa menghilami dewi saraswati seperti lukisan beriku ini......
lukisan ini saya pamerakan di hotel pitamaha ubud
lukisan ini saya pamerakan di hotel pitamaha ubud
Selasa, 20 November 2012
lukisan baru
lukisan masyarakat bali tempo dulu
lukisan buta siu
lukisan ini dipamerkan di hotel Royal Pitamaha Ubud
lukisan buta siu
lukisan ini dipamerkan di hotel Royal Pitamaha Ubud
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
garuda wisnu
Garuda Wisnu Kencana
Garuda Wisnu Kencana yang artinya "burung Garuda Kendaraan Dewa Wisnu",
untuk itu saya mencoba melukiskan diatas kanvas, lukisan ini saya telah pamerkan di hotel The Royal Pitamaha Ubud. bagi yang berkenan, mohon datang dan berkunjung kepameran tersebut. lukisannya dibawah ini :
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